Sep 14, 2018 | Articles, Canvas, World
I slipped into the back row. A few students were scattered around the room. This man was moving among them, an open Bible in his hands, working his way through Habakkuk 1 with such a warmth, an urgency, a gentleness, and an accuracy. Unforgettable. From that day this...
Mar 22, 2018 | Articles, Canvas, Views
When Gunn from IFES Norway pioneered a movement in Luxembourg, we of Ichtus Vlaanderen in Belgium were enthusiastic. Since she was all alone there and it’s not far from Belgium, we included her in our staff retreat and got to know each other better. A new movement...
Oct 30, 2017 | Articles, Canvas, World
In the summer of 2013, Zach Smith was on the verge of entering student ministry. He told his story in Canvas that year—how he’d met IFES workers at an Urbana conference, had a burden for seeing a stronger gospel witness in Europe, and was applying for a two-year stint...