Springs Road in Lincoln, taken from the top of Burns building at Lincoln University.
The opportunity
TSCF has two missional student flats. Both Rongopai in Wellington and The Tree House in Dunedin have surpassed expectations for both evangelism and discipleship opportunities.
Now we have an exciting possibility: purchasing land right next to Lincoln University and designing a building that will greatly assist in reaching students for Christ and changing students for life.
This possibility depends on partners, those willing to invest financially so that TSCF can purchase this land and build on it. This house would not be an end in itself; it would exist so that more students from NZ and around the world can be reached with the good news of Jesus for decades to come. The prayer is that these students are so changed by Jesus that the effects of that are felt in thousands of families, businesses, factories, farms, universities and communities worldwide.
The details
Former university land is being developed for housing in Lincoln. In the next few months, sections of bare land on Springs Road will become available to purchase. There is a small window of opportunity to purchase land and build a house that would be literally across the road from the university.
As we’ve developed thinking and best practice around student missional flatting, we have discovered that it’s a great mission strategy in at least four ways:
1. Hospitality as a way to live and show the gospel of Jesus. In a world where so often people eat alone, meals together are a powerful demonstration of the gospel of inclusion.
2. Intentional discipleship, forming habits of grace that last a lifetime.
3. A close, off-campus base. The relationship with the university is currently very good, however we foresee a time when Christians will be restricted in booking rooms and meeting together on campus.
4. Rent creates a passive revenue stream that could be used for other projects in Lincoln and nationwide.
This is a wonderful opportunity. TSCF Lincoln has seen several Christian Fellowship flats over the years, which have been significant in the journey to Christlikeness for both Christian and not-yet-Christian students. A building on Springs Road could continue in this vein, with students paying market rents with kingdom aims.
Our request
Would you like to be part of this? We’re looking to raise several hundred thousand dollars as seed capital to enable purchasing of land and building before the first students could move in by early 2019. This could be met by 25 people donating $10,000, 50 people donating $5,000, and 75 people donating $1,000. You can donate here; choose “PR-LSR” as the fund.
I am very excited about this and will certainly make a donation myself to be one of the 150. Will you join me in being one of the 150? If this excites you as much as it does me, please contact me, I’d love to speak more.
* Update, 16 September 2017:
About NZ$25,000 has been donated by God’s people in four different countries, all of whom are excited by this. I’m encouraged by the response yet intimidated by how much there is to go to purchase a section for NZ$200,000.
The land is now for sale, with details here: www.tewhariki.co.nz. We’re particularly interested in sections 297, 298 or 299 because of their proximity to the university.
* Update, 24 September 2018:
Great news; last week TSCF completed the purchase of the land. We’re thankful for God’s provision and his people’s generosity. Keep an eye out for news about the next phase of this project.
The whole project is not yet named. Tell me what you think we should call it, and you win! You win a big thanks from me; I’ll buy you a great book and a drink. So far the Lincoln team have come up with The Temple, The Shearing Shed, and trying to reference Jesus as living water given it’s on Springs Road.
We’re sure you can do better.
What: Land near Lincoln University is now for sale.
Why: If TSCF purchases a lot and builds student accommodation, it will provide a base for outreach, intentional community and a future funding stream.
How: Through donations from people who want to invest in the future of student ministry.
Currently: Approximately $25,000 of the needed $200,000 has been raised.
Tim Hodge, Lincoln Team Leader
What a great project. We will follow with interest and prayer.