Come and join the team!
If you have a vision to see students reached for Christ and changed for life then we would love to explore that with you. Our current vacancies are listed below – if you’d like to find out more, call us on 04 384 7274, or email
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Nationwide opportunities to work with students
We are always looking out for people to join us on the field in our mission to reach students for Christ, change students for life. If you think this might be you, get in touch by emailing Wilma: Specific opportunities are listed below, but we are open to conversations about all locations, any time.
Team Leader - Palmerston North
We are looking to appoint a new person to lead our Manawatū Team. Leading the ministry amongst students at Massey University, Te Pūkenga and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, we are looking to grow our reach among local students and continue to develop the work amongst international students, especially as we begin to see new international students arrive in New Zealand again.
The Team Leader is responsible for a small team of staff and volunteers in the region, but also plays a role on the National Leadership Team of TSCF which meets a few times a year. Please contact Wilma on to find out more.
Staff Workers – Nationwide, opportunities available everywhere
There is an current need for staff in Palmerston North, Wellington, Lincoln and Dunedin to walk alongside students. This could be in a full-time capacity, with financial support from churches, graduates and other partners, in a part-time supported role, or fully voluntary.
Contact us if you would like to meet up with TSCF staff in your region, find out what student ministry looks like on a day-to-day basis, and learn more about the needs on campus.
Growing the National Office team
We have a new opportunity to join the growing national office team. If you have a heart for student mission and a desire to serve God we’d love to hear from you. Click on the link below to explore the opportunities or drop us an email at for a full job description and application pack.
Partnerships & Fundraising Manager
We are also looking for a partnerships & fundraising manager to support our work towards growing our funding. This is a key role where you will have particular focus on developing our core funds, as well as supporting the wider team with growing our partnerships and support, helping us to strengthen our ability to continue to reach students for Christ for many years to come.
For information about this or any of our vacancies, please contact