Bible study: Monday 7-8:30pm, 1419 Springs Rd
(2min walk from campus)
CF lunch: Wednesday 1-2pm (on campus)
Lincoln University Christian Fellowship
Hey, welcome to our page! This is where you can find out about what’s happening at Lincoln.
LUCF is a group of Lincoln students who meet regularly on campus to have fun, encourage each other in their Christian faith and, most importantly, be a visible witness together on campus.
Every Monday we meet at a student flat close to University (1419 Springs Road) have a meal and study the Bible, starting at 6pm.
We also meet on Wednesdays to hang out together, eat, and listen to fellow students and speakers sharing about how being a Christian changes how we think and live as students.
There are a number of other events and things which happen throughout the year including social events, camps, cooking toasties for people coming home from the pub.
The best way to find out about these is to join our Facebook page.
LUCF is a great way to be encouraged while you study at Lincoln, so come along and get involved. We’d love to get to know you