Board Members
Dr Janice Cheng (Interim Board Chair)
Janice moved from Penang, Malaysia to NZ to study at Victoria University of Wellington at the age of 18. She spent nearly a decade in NZ pursuing an undergraduate degree with honours in biomedical science and a PhD in chemistry and immunology. Following that, she worked for three years in Melbourne as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Melbourne before returning to NZ. She now works as a Senior Commercialisation Manager at Wellington UniVentures at Victoria University. She previously served as a TSCF board member until 2014 and attends Equippers Church in Porirua.
Dr Paul Trebilco (Interim Vice Chair)
Paul Trebilco is Professor of New Testament Studies in the Department of Theology and Religion at the University of Otago, where he has taught since 1988. He was Head of Department from 1998 to 2009. Paul studied Chemistry at Canterbury, and then did a Bachelor of Divinity at Otago before doing his PhD in New Testament at the University of Durham, England under the supervision of Profesor James Dunn. He was involved in Christian Union at Canterbury and Otago.
He has written several books, including The Early Christians in Ephesus from Paul to Ignatius, published in 2007 and What’s in a name? Self-designations and Group Identity in the New Testament, published in 2011. He teaches a range of New Testament papers at Otago University.
He is married to Gill, and their children are Fiona, Stephen, David and Philip. Paul particularly enjoys gardening and watching his children play sport.
Ben Carswell (National Director)
Ben is a “Yorkshire Kiwi” – born in Leeds, England and raised in the village that Samuel Marsden came from. He’s lived in various parts of the English-speaking world, including the USA, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and now New Zealand. (Apparently, none of those places speak English quite as well as they do in Yorkshire, though!) He’s married to Jen, who is Northern Irish, and they have three young children – Sam, Josh and Hannah. Ben and Jen moved to NZ to work with TSCF in 2008.
As a student, Ben belonged to groups similar to those of TSCF, that helped him grow as a Christian and share his faith with others. He is passionate about sharing Jesus with students, seeing them come to know Jesus themselves and grow more like Him. Ben loves most sport, particularly both codes of rugby, football and cricket. He enjoys decent coffee, cooking for his family, reading good books (travel-writing, business books, biographies and Christian books) and travelling.
Tom Broughton
Tom studied agricultural science at Lincoln University, where he was a member of the Christian Fellowship. After graduating, he spent a year on TSCF’s MINTY discipleship training programme and has also completed a Diploma in Christian Studies through Laidlaw College. His work experience includes roles in community development in East Africa and a variety of agricultural work in NZ. He is now working in the family farming business near Darfield, in Canterbury.
Dr Paul Windsor
Paul is the Director of Langham Preaching, where he coordinates an international team of national and regional coordinators and trainers facilitating Langham Preaching movements globally. A former principal of Carey Baptist College and Baptist pastor, Paul is married to Barby and they have five children and five grandchildren. Paul attends Mt Roskill Baptist Church.
Roger Moses – ONZM, CNZM
Roger Moses is a well-known leader in secondary education. He has been headmaster at Wellington College, Deputy Principal of Waihi College, and has taught at Auckland Grammar, Macleans College and Mahurangi College. He has an MA (Hons) in English. In 2001, he received a Woolf Fisher Fellowship which enabled him to spend three months studying secondary education in the United States, UK and Europe. In 2009 he was awarded the ONZM in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to education and in 2010 he was nominated for Wellingtonian of the Year.
Roger was on the executive of the Evangelican Union in Auckland and benefitted greatly from TSCF conferences in the 1970s. Speakers such as David Watson, David Pawson, Michael Griffiths and Floyd McClung have influenced him to this day. His personal goals are to blend the strengths of a traditional education with the demands of a rapidly changing world, and to see each student reach their potential in every area of school life.
In recent years, Roger has betrayed his former allegiance to Auckland and The Blues and now is a fervent supporter of the Hurricanes.
Rachal Aspinall (Treasurer)
Rachal completed an Honours degree in Accounting at the University of Otago, before completing a Graduate Diploma at Lincoln University where she was a member of the Christian Fellowship. Rachal has also completed a Graduate Certificate in Divinity with Ridley College. Rachal is a Chartered Accountant and now works in risk management in the infrastructure sector. Rachal attends Latimer Church in Christchurch, which is part of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand diocese.
Judge Andrew Becroft 
His Honour Judge Andrew Becroft is New Zealand’s Children’s Commissioner. He previously served as Principal Youth Court Judge from 2001 to 2016.
Born in Malaysia, and educated at Rongotai College, Wellington, Judge Becroft graduated from Auckland University in 1981 with a B.A./LL.B (Hons) degree. He practiced in Auckland and in 1986 assisted with the establishment of the Mangere Community Law Centre. He worked there as the centre’s senior solicitor until 1993. He then worked as a criminal barrister in South Auckland until his appointment as a District Court Judge to Whanganui in 1996.
Judge Becroft is also the Patron of the New Zealand Speak Easy Association Inc., which assists those with various forms of speech impediment. He is married to Pip and they have three children. Judge Becroft is a keen sports watcher (but an average participant). He is a strong advocate of youth issues.
Vice Presidents
Andrew Saunders
Andrew was born and raised in Auckland. He met his wife, Helen, at an Auckland University Evangelical Union house party in 1980. Together they served on AUEU executive in 1981 and married in 1983. Andrew graduated from Auckland University with an MSc (Hons) in 1983 and with a Master of Theological Studies from Laidlaw College in 2002.
Andrew served as TSCF’s General Secretary from 1991 to 2001, before returning to secondary education. In 2017 he left his role as Deputy Principal at Selwyn College in Auckland to come back to campus ministry as a chaplain at the University of Auckland. Andrew works part-time as a leadership coach and as a consultant for the Wilberforce Foundation, a philanthropic trust supporting Christian mission in New Zealand.
Andrew and Helen are members of St George’s Anglican in Epsom, and they have three adult sons and one daughter-in-law.
Hilary Hague
Hilary is the National Director of Scripture Union New Zealand. She was involved in TSCF as a student at Wellington Teachers’ College and has remained closely connected with TSCF through her ongoing work with SUNZ. Hilary is involved in the leadership of Strathmore Community Church. She loves her two grandchildren and enjoys gardening.
Jessica Palmer
Jessica is Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Humanities and a Professor of Law at Otago University, where she teaches property law. She studied law and accounting at Auckland University and worked briefly in practice and as a judges’ clerk before receiving an LLM from Cambridge University. She supports the TSCF Law Students’ Christian Fellowship on campus at Otago and has been involved in governance of not-for-profit organisations for several years.
Jessica is married to Nick and they have four children. Jessica believes that God has specially anointed the South Island and was happy to respond to his call to build a life in Dunedin and seek the sun and relaxation of Central Otago regularly!
Rubee Yee
Rubee was born and educated in Otaki. She trained as a registered medical laboratory scientist, specialising in microbiology and immunology, and works for Hutt Valley DHB. In further studies Rubee has obtained a Fellowship of NZIMLS, Dip Grad Biotech from Otago and a Diploma in Biblical Studies from BCNZ (now Laidlaw College).
As well as being active in medical laboratory science special interest groups, Rubee has a keen interest in children and youth ministries and cross-cultural missions. She worked for six months in a refugee camp on the Thai/Cambodian border.
Rubee is on the Wellington OMF Committee and is an advisor for the Wellington ICF group. She is involved with Knox/St Columbia Presbyterian church in Lower Hutt. Time permitting, Rubee enjoys the outdoors, and has ambitions of someday walking the NY marathon and climbing Mt Kinabalu. She also enjoys photography, various creative crafts and learning more about NZ flora.
Rev Dr Stuart Lange
Stuart is a TSCF grad, church historian, pastor, and the National Director of the New Zealand Christian Network. He did his PhD through Otago University. He has taught for many years at Laidlaw College (where he is a former Vice Principal and currently a Senior Research Fellow), and more recently at Carey College, and in Asia. He is the senior minister of Massey-Riverhead Presbyterian, a multi-cultural church in West Auckland, and enjoys teaching the Bible.
A significant book for TSCF, written by Stuart, is A Rising Tide: Evangelical Christianity in New Zealand, 1930–1965 (Otago University Press), which digs into the history and influence of Inter-Varsity Fellowship in NZ. He also wrote and narrated the historical documentary Te Rongopai: 200 years of the Gospel in Aotearoa, 1814–2014.
Stuart is married to Rose and has four sons and seven young grandsons. His interests include music and the great outdoors.
Animoa Goold
Animoa was born in the Waikato and is still a committed fan of Waikato rugby (complete with Mooloo cowbell). She has a Bachelor’s in Economic History from Victoria University and a B.Div from Laidlaw College.
Animoa taught History and Economics at Macleans College before working with university students. She was TSCF’s Head of Student Ministries from 2002 to 2014. She then worked as Pouwhakahaere (Campus Director) for Laidlaw College in Manukau until 2018.
Animoa completed her Masters in Education (Adult Education) in 2013 where the focus of her thesis was on women in leadership of not-for-profit organisations in NZ.
Animoa also mentors people for international leadership roles as part of a global leadership initiative with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. She is passionate about helping people live authentic, growing, and biblically shaped lives wherever God leads them.
Dennis Fountain
Dennis’ parents were missionaries in South India and he spent his early years there. He trained as a teacher, studied geography at Victoria University, taught at secondary level and did some teachers’ college teaching before returning to India with his wife, Ariadne, as members of Interserve. They learned Hindi and he undertook post-graduate studies in the Delhi School of Economics.
Dennis also worked with UESI (the IFES movement in India) advising the EU at Delhi University. He taught at the Kotagiri Study Centre and was a staff worker for the Christian Teachers graduate group of UESI. Dennis studied at Regent College, Vancouver. Their two sons Ben and Philip were born during their time in India. In the mid-1980s they were unable to get a visa to return to India and went to Papua New Guinea, where Dennis taught theology at Christian Leaders’ Training College.
More recently Dennis taught at Onslow College, Wellington. He has been involved in environmental education, including leading trekking trips to the Indian Himalayas and tramping in NZ. Dennis is a member of Porirua Gospel Chapel, Cannon’s Creek, Porirua.