Ben Carswell
National Director
Tēnā koutou, no Yorkshire o Ingarani ahau, kō te Chevin te maunga, kō te Wharfe te awa, Ngāti Pakeha tōku iwi, kō Ben toku ingoa. I’m a “Yorkshire Kiwi” – born in Leeds, England and raised in the village that Samuel Marsden came from. I’ve lived in various parts of the English-speaking world, including the USA, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and now New Zealand. (None of those places speaks English quite as well as they do in Yorkshire, though!) I’m married to Jen, who is Northern Irish, and we have three children – Sam, Josh and Hannah. Jen and I moved to NZ to work with TSCF in 2008, where I’ve served in a variety of roles prior to becoming the National Director in 2019.
As a student, I was actively involved in IFES groups around the world and that helped me grow as a Christian and share my faith with others. I am passionate about sharing Jesus with students, seeing them come to know Him themselves and grow more like Him. I love most sport, particularly both codes of rugby, football and cricket. I enjoy decent coffee, cooking for family & friends, reading good books (travel-writing, business books, biographies and Christian books) and traveling.